
National Elections:  Held in March and November

Polling places:  

Gustine City Hall
201 E Main
Gustine, TX  76455

Gustine Community Center
208 W Main
Gustine, TX  76455

City Council / Mayoral Elections:  Held 1st Saturday in May

Polling Place:  

201 E Main
Gustine, TX  76455

City Hall will close at noon on the day before the election to allow for setup of the voting equipment.

Qualification for Gustine City Council:

In General Law municipalities the qualifications of the office of Council member are:

  1.  Be A U.S. Citizen
  2. Have been a resident of Texas for at least twelve (12) months as of the deadline for filing for the office
  3. Have resided in the city for at least sin (6) months preceding election date
  4. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older upon the commencement of the term to be filled at the election.
  5. Not have been convicted of a felony for which he or she has not been pardoned or had full rights of citizenship restored by other official action
  6. Not have been deemed mentally incompetent by a court

For the office of mayor the above qualification are the same excepting number 3. Mayoral candidates must have resided in the city for at least twelve (12) months preceding election day.